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The Russians Are Our Friends!
The substantial assistance provided by the United States and Great Britain to their former nemesis Russia in the rescue efforts of a stranded Russian mini-sub is a testament to the developing friendships between these nations.
It seems a little odd that the U.S. is developing closer ties to Russia, considering the forty-year struggle between communism and democracy during the Cold War. But in hindsight, that period was brief, lasting a little more than forty years, and culminating with a flameout and a dissolution of the Soviet Empire in the late 1980s.
Before this period, if you'll remember, the Russians were our allies. Together, the United States and Russia (with great sacrifice) worked together to defeat Nazi Germany.
It's time to forget the idiocy of the Cold War and look ahead, for the United States and Russia have common goals and common enemies.
First, we shouldn't be too critical of Russian governance. Recently, Russia has been criticized by the Bush Administration for turning back some democratic initiatives. But we must remember that Russia is a new democracy in an old land, with a billion Chinese and hordes of Muslims on their old borders. Russia has a unique set of problems to contend with that are not comparable to the U.S. situation. Russia, for one, has Al Qaeda on their borders, and probably within. There are economic considerations as well. The introduction of capitalism has perhaps come too fast for Russia, as criminal organizations and criminal corporate monopolies have filled the void left by the demise of communism. But Russia is making headway with these problems.
But if and when the shit hits the fan, whether it be a 200 million man Chinese Army on the move, Al Qaeda with nukes, or another unforeseen nemesis, the United States and Russia, along with Western Europe, will be on the same side.
The world is dividing into many factions, but it's also dividing among two main fault lines - East versus West and Islam versus Christianity. The U.S. and Russia find themselves on the same side on both of these accounts. Though Christianity has been diluted in Western Europe and Russia, the Christian foundation remains, perpetuated by Caucasian majorities in these states. Against these Western/Christian/Caucasian nations stand two opposing Asian ideologies - Islam and Communist/Godless China.
Currently, China is consolidating its power in Oriental Asia, while hardline Islamics in Muslim Asia are fomenting terrorism against the Christian West. As these powers and movements grow, there will be increasing competition for goods, capital, and markets between Western and Eastern Powers.
As this showdown develops, there will be countless alliances and sub alliances made in many fields. Russia will hold wargames with China, and Russia will hold wargames with NATO. China will form trade pacts with Western-aligned Australia and New Zealand. The U.S. will supply both Pakistan and India (traditional enemies) with weapons of war. Socialists in Europe will be critical of the U.S. for Mideast military adventures. Ultimately though it will be East versus West and Islam versus Christianity, and hopefully we'll have Russia on our side, even if they aren't perfectly democratic.
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